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Coronavirus I – Compensation for loss of earnings due to a lack of childcare services

In the course of the coronavirus crisis, the German “Act on the Protection of the Population in the Event of an Epidemic Situation of National […]


Dismissal without notice is justified for the misuse of customer data

Employees are required to handle personal data sensitively. A violation of these requirements will generally justify a termination of your employment […]


Maintenance for adult children during vocational training – Mandatory income disclosures

In the context of maintenance claims for adult children, it is not uncommon for the extent of mandatory income disclosures of the parents to be […]


European Commission proposes postponement of new VAT rules and regulations on the exchange of information

On 11 May 2020, the European Commission announced that in view of the corona crisis it intends to postpone the coming into effect of certain EU […]


The CARES Act – The US rescue package

The USA ushered in the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act“ (CARES Act) on 27.3.2020. The aid package comprises a volume of approx. two […]


A temporary home office – Strict rules for the deduction of costs for tax purposes

On account of the coronavirus pandemic, many people are currently newly working from home (home office). The question that arises is the extent to […]


SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Standard: Guidelines for practical application

On 16 April 2020, the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) issued the ‘SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Standard’.


The home office and company car taxation

While working from home, in the current situation, no regular journeys are generally being made to the employing company’s main office. In this case, […]


GmbH (private limited company) shareholders’ meetings and resolutions – Exemptions in 2020

In the context of the coronavirus crisis, the COVID-19 Mitigation Act was newly introduced, on 27.3.2020. The Act includes simplifications with […]


Obligations to pay rent during the crisis

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the German government has taken various measures to support businesses burdened with liquidity shortages. One […]

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